Since 1980, lower Manhattan has been part of my vision, its landscape now juxtaposed with the landscape before we were Manhattan. What was "Mannahatta", in the language of the Lenape, "land of many hills", are now buildings, water towers, fire escapes, and ladders rising to the top or descending to places that are below sea level. Walls of partially demolished buildings, reminiscent of the lower east side, expose skeletons via stairways and rooms. In the land that was once salt marshes, ponds, hills, and later farms…crane images appear, once blatant and shocking statements of our city now easily blend with our current landscape becoming as one with the remaining buildings. Below stairs lead to the underground city, walls cracking, then rise to a place that could vanish just as the hills and the meadows did. Massive stone foundations built on the flat earth grow taller as if to reach the sky and erase the heights of nature that preceded it.